Men's Health

Helping you return to full health and activity is our first priority.

Private topics are our specialty

Many men’s health issues have their origins in the pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles become weak or carry excess tension, they produce a variety of uncomfortable and even painful symptoms. We understand that talking about these symptoms can be embarrassing. We’re here to help. Our therapists are specially trained to assist with conditions specific to men.

Our practice begins with you

Understanding what’s going on with your pelvic floor muscles is the first step to take on the path to healing. We begin with a physical examination to determine the source of your pain followed by a plan toward recovery. Sometimes even a single visit will result in improvement. Our physical therapists are trained to recognize the unique physiology and dysfunctions specific to men so we can give you the support and treatment you need to manage your long-term physical well being.

Understanding pelvic floor muscles can improve a variety of men's health issues.

How we treat

We believe that successful treatment is the result of consistency in care. Our model is designed to foster this concept and is, frankly, unique in Portland. Typically you will work with the same physical therapist throughout your rehabilitation. This partnership will help you achieve your goals, ensuring your progress is closely monitored and issues or concerns are quickly addressed to keep your recovery on track.

Helping you return to full health and activity is our first priority.
Urinary Tract Dysfunctions

Urinary problems can include incontinence (leaking or dribble), excessive frequency of more than seven times a day, hesitancy, or intermittent stream.

We can often help you manage your symptoms in just a few weeks with treatment targeted specifically to address your concerns.

Your symptoms may be the result of a surgical procedure such as a radical prostatectomy, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), or your condition may be related to exertion or physical activity.

We will collaborate closely with your physician or surgeon in order to rapidly improve your condition.

Understanding Pelvic Floor Muscles

Pelvic pain and voiding dysfunctions can be mitigated or resolved with identification of patterns, relaxation training to regulate excessive tension, manual therapy to relax spasm and treat trigger points, stretching exercises, posture training, and biofeedback.

All men can benefit from a better understanding of their pelvic floor muscles and the role that they play in healthy living. But everyone is different, so your plan will be specific to your condition and needs.  

You may be experiencing pain in areas such as the bladder, testicles, scrotum, prostate, rectum, penis, tailbone, or pain during or following ejaculation or orgasm. This pain or discomfort may be caused by excessive tension or spasm of the pelvic muscles, stress, trauma, or poor body mechanics. 

Chronic Male Pelvic Pain

Millions of men suffer from pelvic pain and related dysfunctions. While discomfort and pain are defining characteristics, men can also experience associated sexual and urinary problems.

For many years the prostate was (and often still is) wrongly assumed to be the source of the pain and dysfunction. In fact, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome rather than Chronic Prostatitis is more often the cause of the problem.

Drugs and surgery have largely failed to alleviate these symptoms or address the cause. The road to recovery begins with an evaluation of your condition and a plan to alleviate your pain.

Ready to Get Started?

A quick phone call to our clinic is all that is necessary to get you started on your road to recovery and better health.

get started Call 503.227.7774 Call 503.227.7774
1630 SW Morrison St, Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97205
  • Mon – Fri: 6:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Sat - Sun: closed
call us:                503.227.7774
call us:                       503.227.7774
fax:              503.227.7548